Preserve & develop

Preserve and develop what you have created, for the future and for your heirs.


Comprehensive asset management is about helping you realize your goals. It is about having confidence that things work in everyday life and knowing that you have a good plan for preserving and further developing the values ​​you have created. Only then can you concentrate on continuing to create whatever you want.

Important things to think about

Generational planning

Many associate the expression “generational shift” with the formal transfer of shares, property or other assets from parents to children. Not seldom, taxes are a key theme. And these things are important. They are, however, only a small part of the big picture, and for many maybe the easy pieces to handle. The emotional side is often just as demanding, and words like “fair” and “equal treatment” can have different meanings for different people.

Investment strategy

The investment strategy is an important decision. It describes your planned distribution between the different investment types, so-called asset classes. It will to a large extent determine the potential for returns and shall ensure that you achieve your goals, both in the short and long term. You should stick to it through ups and downs, for better or for worse. It is thus important that it is carefully considered and reflects the needs and goals for you and your family.

Risk diversification

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spreading risk intelligently is the key to more robust portfolios. Good risk diversification enables you to achieve higher returns with the same risk as a portfolio with less risk diversification. Risk diversification can potentially provide the same returns – but with lower risk –than if the portfolio did not spread risk optimally.


Do you know what impact your investments have on important areas such as the environment, human rights and corruption? A devastating UN report confirmed that the planet is headed for global warming of 1.5 degrees by as soon as 2030 unless we implement “unique changes in all aspects of society.”

Reporting and portfolio overview

Our experience is that many people find it demanding to keep track of their financial assets. They don’t receive good, updated reports about their total portfolio. Most people are invested in multiple assets with different investment managers. In our app, we include all your investments in order for you to get a full overview over your finances.


Transaction costs, subscription fees, success fees, operating costs, redemption fees. The list of various costs that investors are charged, knowingly or unknowingly, is long. For a long time, the financial sector has had a problem with hidden and concealed costs. The client is our only customer – we only receive fees from the client. As an independent advisor, we receive no third-party payments, and all discounts we obtain from our product suppliers are passed on in full to the client.

Our advice

No matter where you are in life, we are here to help.

Ready to get started?

To help you in the best possible way, we need to know a little more about you and your plans.

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